3 Common Myths About Tooth Extraction and the Truths Behind Them

dentist appointment

An extraction is a dental procedure in which a tooth is removed from its socket. It can be an important part of maintaining good oral health. Even though it is a very common procedure, there are some misconceptions about it. It is important to learn the facts about tooth extractions to ensure that you or your loved one are properly informed before going through the procedure. Your dentist can provide more information and help clear any myths or misunderstandings.

1. Tooth Extractions Are Painful

People often think getting a tooth pulled out will be a painful experience. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. Depending on the extraction process, your dentist could use anesthesia to numb your mouth. Before the extraction, you may feel a slight pinch from the needle, but it should not cause pain.

A dentist will numb your mouth to make the procedure more comfortable. They will then use a special tool to loosen the tooth before taking it out with forceps. You may feel pressure as the tooth is pulled out. If a surgical extraction is needed, you will be given local or intravenous anesthesia to ensure you don’t feel any pain or anxiety. 

Small incisions may be made in the gum tissue to extract the tooth and, in some cases, parts of the bone. You will usually be asleep during the extraction, and afterward, you may experience light swelling and discomfort in your mouth and jaw.

2. It’s Not Necessary to Replace an Extracted Tooth

If you don’t replace a tooth that has been extracted, it can cause further dental issues. Teeth left behind in the mouth will start to move into the empty spot created by the extraction, which can cause crooked teeth and an improper bite. Additionally, the jawbone won’t get the stimulation it needs from the missing tooth. This can cause the bone to deteriorate, affecting the appearance and the ability to chew and speak normally.

3. Wisdom Teeth Must Always Be Extracted

Many people assume that only wisdom teeth need to be removed, yet this is not the case. Each year, over ten million wisdom teeth are taken out. But other teeth may require extraction. If a tooth has been significantly damaged due to decay, has been broken due to an accident, or a root canal treatment is insufficient, then the tooth must be removed. Doing this will help eliminate pain and stop any infection.

Extracting a tooth may be necessary if it cannot break through the gum line. This can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. Removing it would eliminate this pressure. It is also common to take out one or more teeth before starting orthodontic treatment. Overcrowding of the teeth can cause them to be misaligned, resulting in overbites, underbites, and crossbites. Extracting teeth can help alleviate these issues and make orthodontic treatment more effective.


Tooth extraction is a common procedure that is generally safe and carries a low risk of complications. Although some myths might lead individuals to believe that they should avoid tooth extractions, the truth is that they are often necessary and beneficial. With the help of a dental professional and proper aftercare, tooth extraction can effectively improve oral health and quality of life.

At Chestnut Hill Dental, we offer all aspects of dental care in a multidisciplinary approach, from the simplest option to the most complicated scenario. Our dental office offers a wide range of procedures under one roof: dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, crowns, periodontal care, laser gum therapy, root canal treatment, Invisalign, bridges, wisdom teeth extractions and so much more. If you need a tooth extraction service in Boston, we can help! Get in touch with us today to set an appointment!